Thursday, September 11, 2014

Your Love Is Needed Now!

Since the beginning of 2014 the Earth and all Life evolving upon her have been going through an intensified purging process. From outer appearances this is wreaking havoc on every part of the globe.  This cleansing is affecting each of us individually in our personal lives, and it is also affecting the entire Family of Humanity collectively, because we are One and there is no separation. When we turn on the news or observe what is happening through the available media, it seems that there is no rhyme or reason for the things that are happening, but that is not true.
We are in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever attempted in any system of worlds. But in order to complete this shift, which is destined to eventually return every man, woman, and child on Earth to an enlightened state of Christ Consciousness, we must transmute the obsolete human miscreations from the old Earth that are still causing incredible pain and suffering for the masses of Humanity. This information may seem unfamiliar to you, but every single person on Earth is clearly aware of this profound Truth, through the Divinity of his or her I AM Presence. In fact, ALL of us have been preparing for this moment for lifetimes. To confirm that Truth, take this information into the Divinity of your Heart and ask for your God Self to reveal to you your part in this vitally important facet of the Divine Plan. The reason this information has been brought to your awareness during this critical moment on Earth, is because YOUR LOVE IS NEEDED NOW!
The Earth and all her Life have victoriously made it through the Shift of the Ages. Now daily and hourly thousands of people all over the Planet are awakening. These awakening souls are beginning to remember who they are and why they have been given the privilege of being in physical embodiment during this auspicious moment on Earth. When our sisters and brothers awaken, they realize that they are Sons and Daughters of God, and that all that our Father-Mother God have is theirs. With that realization, these precious people are lifted up in consciousness. With a higher level of awareness, they volunteer to be the Open Door through which the Light of God can flow to transform this sweet Earth and all her Life into Earth’s Divine Destiny, which is Heaven on Earth.
This phenomenon is causing the Light of God to increase on Earth exponentially. As the Light of God increases on this Planet, everything that conflicts with that Light is being pushed to the surface to be healed and transmuted back into Light. Unfortunately, some of our recalcitrant and fear-based sisters and brothers are latching onto these surfacing negative patterns and acting them out in deplorable ways. These unawakened people do not understand that we are moving forward in the Light. They think they will be destroyed and lose their ability to exist if they do not fight tooth and nail to resist the shift into Christ Consciousness that is taking place. Even though their malevolent behavior is exacerbating Humanity’s pain and suffering,their efforts are futile. We are moving forward in the Light and there is no turning back.
The Company of Heaven, however, have revealed that YOU and I, and every awakening person on the Planet, have the ability to reduce the chaos our brothers and sisters are unleashing all over the world. In order to do this, we must invoke the Light of God on their behalf and hold the sacred space for their return to Christ Consciousness. The Beings of Light from the Realms of Illumined Truth have assured us that by volunteering to be the Open Door for this selfless Activity of Light, we will be able to make this purging process much less tumultuous.
The Company of Heaven want us to know that this purging would not be allowed at this accelerated pace if it was going to cause more harm than good. The reason it is being allowed is because there are millions of awakened people on Earth who are tangibly aware of the magnitude of what is happening on Earth. These willing Sons and Daughters of God, which include YOU and me, are serving as instruments of God and invoking the Light on behalf of our sisters and brothers who are fighting relentlessly to keep us from shifting into the enlightened state of Christ Consciousness.
In order to make the collective efforts of awakening people around the world much easier, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven have given us a powerful visualization and Activity of Light that will raise the consciousness of our sisters and brothers who are so very afraid, and those who are resisting moving forward in the Light. This wondrous Gift from On High will greatly assist ALL of us in the process of returning to Christ Consciousness.
We have created a YouTube video with this amazingly powerful Activity of Light and it is easily accessed through the link below. The video is titled: Raising Consciousness.
The Beings of Light are asking all of us to empower this YouTube video daily if possible, according to your Heart’s Call, from now through the 2014 September Equinox. 
Through this Activity of Light the way will be cleared for the influx of Light that will take place September 13-18th, during the 28th Annual World Congress on Illumination. This event is a global event, but the Lightworkers who are physically attending will gather in the Portal of Precipitation in the Grand Teton Mountains at the beautiful Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, Wyoming. USA.
Precipitation is the Activity of Light through which unformed primal Light Essence is drawn directly from the Universe and converted into form. This is the frequency of God’s Light that Humanity must use in order to tangibly manifest the wondrous patterns of the New Earth and assist every man, woman, and child in the process of RETURNING TO CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, which is unfolding moment by moment in the hearts and minds of people everywhere.
For those of you who will be joining us in consciousness and adding your exquisite Light to the 28th Annual World Congress On Illumination from your sacred space on the Planet, know that as this event unfolds each day, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth will guide us step by step through the various facets of the unfolding Divine Plan. For this reason, we do not have a lot of information about the specific Divine Ceremonies in advance.
The important thing for all of us to understand is that we have ALL been preparing for lifetimes to fulfill our unique facet of this Divine Plan. I encourage you to listen to your heart, and KNOW that you too will be guided through each day by your I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven.
We work in THE ETERNAL MOMENT OF NOW throughout the week, so whenever you are able to join in consciousness with us will be right and perfect. It does not matter if you are joining with us at the exact same time. When we are focused in the Eternal Moment of Now, we are ONE in perfect synchronicity.
The momentum of Light will build from the opening ceremonies on September 13th through the closing ceremonies on September 18th . Your Divine Intention is what matters. Know that if you intend to be the most powerful force of Light you are capable of being during this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan, you will be. Trust yourself!
Thank you for your heartfelt desire to assist Humanity and this precious Planet. Your Light and Love are needed and gratefully accepted by Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her.
I truly appreciate you and the magnificent Light you are adding to the world.
God Bless You,

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