Thursday, September 11, 2014


Beloved, there is always more to say! There is always more, that is the miraculous nature of the universe, so if you are feeling otherwise, it’s a sign that you are not in the flow. It’s okay, it happens. It is just important to remember that this feeling of not sailing because the wind is not blowing is just a phase. There is always more to do and say and grow and expand and accomplish and give and experience and flow, and just simply more ands and ands… Thinking otherwise will keep you stuck even when the wind starts to move again. And so it is this time of year of new growth and rejuvenation and birth. It helps. Calling in more light to you always helps. Requesting that it sharpen helps. There is no need to accept dull and out of focus. Spirit never is, but the receptor can be (respectfully true!). So just choose otherwise. You are not dull or stuck or boring or complete. It is true that you may be tired, but that is just temporal. So rest. Be in nature to recharge. Be self-nourishing. Take care of yourself until you feel clear again and then what you receive will be. Simple as that; it is you who are in charge of being “in charge”, charged up, recharged - get it? And so that is also what Spring does for you as it is purely delightful to see the tips of the tulip leaves peeking up from the ground and to hear the birds and see the long lines of geese in the sky. The colours begin to sharpen and the fresh smells arise. You get another chance. You get to be reborn AGAIN. Yes, this birthing stuff does get tiring, but isn’t it all worth it? Labour pains are always worth it. Just breathe.
Your physical body continues to morph. Yes it is tiring and painful and makes you feel sludgey. Push past it. Drink more water and move more. Get out there and exercise your lungs in the crisp air. Wake up. The animals have, and so it is time for you. They don’t question it or resist… And so you have an opportunity to reduce/release more resistance…that’s a beautiful thing!  Let it go and fly! Leave the back pack behind and take off! Do not wait for outside encouragement, just do it!  Continue to feed it high vibration nourishment filled with light. You are correct in following all of your instincts in relation to fuel right now: more fresh, less cooked or processed, decrease salt and sugar and intake from animal sources. Think sustainable, homegrown and fresh. It matters as you maintain consideration for the planet, the ecosystem and your personal intentions to love yourself lighter. Each conscious choice matters and affects your life. Just as you are waiting for the maple sap to fill the buckets, so you nourish your own body in the same way. Each drip matters and is an expression of the life force you sustain within. It matters. Pay attention.
Keep maintaining your personal environment. Nurture it as you do yourself. What surrounds you is an outer expression of creativity that also feeds back at you, so be very clear about what is in your nest. Free yourself from clutter as much as possible so that your mind can be more clear…you don’t have to continually process and reprocess things that are disharmonious for you…this also frees your subconscious to serve and not torture you! Clear it up.
Foster your solitude, for it is precious time spent outside of time. It is where you can soar the most as you connect to the greater aspects of expression. This will inspire you so that you can give back selflessly. This is where creativity is born, fostered and nourished. This is where you accomplish your greatest service, really. The more you create “room” in this way, the more room there is for others to find it too. The world needs more room.
Detach from the drama of others. You can still be in it, but continue to monitor your exposure to this until you are able to be in a mud storm without being affected. This requires patience and diligence until then, so be cautious. It doesn’t mean to put your head in the sand and white knuckling it until it is over. It means standing clear in the midst of it. There is a profound difference and you must come to know this. Standing a light beacon in the storm is of value, possoming in the sand is not. This is a particular lesson for you as you are very sensitive, so the blossom must close to withstand the storm, to reopen again in the sun.
Be protective of yourself by outside stimulus that is not supportive of this incubation time.  As you continue to morph into your higher expression, it is very important to keep considering what you choose to take with you. Anything old gets left behind. Anything cumbersome gets left. The old ways and beliefs and structures no longer serve. Keep asking for strength and insight about your choices and trust that you are always supported and that light shines on the path. You do not need advance confirmation as the edge of creation is creating itself, so is not able to predetermine. That is the old way, let go of the need to know. (This is also something that keeps you stuck!) Let go of the need to know because you can’t, so it is wasted energy. Trust. Love. Courage. Strength. Joy. You can do it!
And so this Spring Equinox and full moon just before Easter is the perfect reset button to begin again with the basics so that you may soar higher than you have ever flown before. When you do this, it helps others, for you set the stage for others. Your diligence inspires. It is all internal focus for now with the intention that it serves the world. It seems so basic, but it is profoundly transformative to return to basics with the greater consciousness you have attained, for each level is purified so it can spiral up. Do not get discouraged, for that is not being aware of the extreme importance of what you are doing to serve your world. Lift yourself so that all others are lifted!
Rejoice in the rebirth, each time as if it was the first time, for it is always the first time. Return to innocent perception and you will be reborn anew, this is the message of the bunny, of the egg, of the tulip, of the pastel colours, of the green grass, of the cornucopia of abundance that is promised by the resurgence of life. Go with it. Become it too. Let it lift you up and inspire you to be new again, fresh with life. Resurrected anew.
Jesus reminds us of that, for you can do as much as He and more…remember?  That is why you are here. To experience forgetting and remembering until you no longer forget to remember. You die until you are born to eternal life and you must become like a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So lighten up and remember. Then you will no longer forget when death and Spring comes again.
In constant embrace of All That You Are, we are,
The Council of Light Within

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