Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fun Game To Attract More Money

Guest: If you’re trying to create a situation, or you are creating a situation, and you’re shooting Energy to that vortex, and let’s say there’s a certain thing that you have to have — it’s money. Okay, I hate to say it, but it’s money — and if you say, well okay I’m going to create this, but you have to put a time limit on it because you…
Abraham: You need it.
Guest: Yeah, right, something you can’t have unless you have it. Is that shooting yourself in the foot?
Abraham: Usually. Now, here is the thing. A lot of people that are teaching goal setting will say to you, “set your goal”, and by that, they mean, decide what you want and when you want it. Well, the advantage of that is it makes it feel more real. If you can say, one month from now, or, one year from now, it gives you a more tangible feeling place. The disadvantage of it is that if you’ve never done it, in all of your 29 years, and now you’re saying, “I’m going to do it in two months or one month or six months”, — you defeat your purpose because you cast doubt on it. In other words, you vibrationally ask for something you don’t believe, so every time you think about it, the negative belief rears its ugly head.
So what you want to do is just pay attention to the way you feel, and if you say, “I want to have it” or “I’ve got to have it and I’ve got to have it fast”, and you feel that discomfort, then know that whatever you’re doing, right there, isn’t working for you. And then, as you start talking about why you want it and you start pretending that it has happened, or you start envisioning that it has happened, and you feel that discomfort sort of ease up, and you feel yourself starting to feel a little lighter about it, now you know the Energy’s flowing. And so, then next time you think about it, you might have to go through the same process again of feeling uncomfortable and then bringing yourself to a place of ease. But it doesn’t take too many times of transmuting that Energy — from a place of a knot in your stomach to feeling better — before you’ve transmuted your basic point of attraction relative to that subject. And it doesn’t take too much of that before something starts to break loose. In other words, the Universe gives you the break that your Energy now deserves. And we don’t mean that in a judging term.
Somebody said, “There is no justice.” And we say, there is utter justice. You all get exactly what you deserve. Meaning, you’re all getting exactly what you’re vibrationally offering. So just play with it. Think and feel, think and feel, think and feel. If there’s something that you really want, like, when you said “money”; in other words, you’re almost embarrassed to even talk about it, because you can feel how negative it makes you feel even to think about it. Let us give you some sort of practical, fast approaches to this. Every time you spend money for anything, appreciate the fact that you had it to spend. Even if you think you’re spending it unwisely, even if you shouldn’t be spending it for this and should be saving it for something else, even if, when you spend it, it will deplete your checking account to a place that is uncomfortably low, even under those conditions — appreciate the fact that you had it to spend. “I am so happy to spend this money.”
Now, let’s talk about that subject of “tithing” for just a moment. A lot of people ask about tithing, because they have been told that there is benefit in it. And they’re usually told that by those who will receive the benefit from their tithing. In other words, “tithing is a good thing, give your money to me and your life will be better,” is the general picture of tithing. The reason that tithing is beneficial is because, if you feel abundant enough that you have excess that you don’t have to have — the excess is a vibration of Well-being. In other words, “I’ve not only got enough money for what I need, I have extra money,” and so, it’s that vibration of Well-being that allows more dollars to flow. So we encourage that you “tithe” your clothing account, that you “tithe” your vacation account, that you “tithe” your eating-at-a-special-restaurant account. In other words, you don’t have to tithe a church or a guru. Tithe yourself, but get into the attitude of excess. In other words, “not only can I meet my basic requirements, but I have excess that I can do other things with,” because it’s that vibration of abundance, that vibration of excess.
So, something that you can do that gets you in that flow, right away, is looking around at your personal possessions and noticing how many things you have that cost money. I’ve got…add up how much your stuff is really worth. In other words, I spent money on…add up how many meals you’ve eaten, how much money you’ve blown on food that you no longer have to call assets. You see what we’re getting at? As you start thinking in terms of all of the money that’s passed through your hands you get a sense of the abundance of dollars, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.
Now, what makes many of you feel lackful of money is that you don’t have a big pile of it sitting around somewhere. And we say, no problem. You don’t have a big pile of air sitting around, either. You don’t have a big pile of Energy sitting around. It’s not what it’s for. It’s the utilization of it that is the power of it; in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out. So rather than feeling lackful because there isn’t excess money or extra money, just enjoy the money that is there; in and out, in and out, in and out and you get this sense of “the money is just like the Energy,” it is just like the oxygen, it is always there. There is as much there as is ever needed — and you can start identifying what you will do with it: “If I had an extra $100, I would do that.” Now, a process that we have seen work, incredibly well, is to put an extra $100 in your pocket. Find it from somewhere, carry it in your pocket and note how many things that please you you could do with it if you really wanted to. Somebody said, “Abraham, you obviously haven’t been around lately, because $100 won’t go very far.” And we say, if you spend it 1,000 times today, mentally, that’s $100,000 that you have projected. In other words, “I would buy that, I could buy that; We could eat there; We could do this; We could stay there; It is a down payment on this.” You see what we’re getting at? And as you mentally project that…And something about actually having it, makes it feel real. It’s not a fantasy anymore. In other words, “I’ve got it.” You can even take it out and look at it. You could see something in a window and say, “You know, if I really wanted that, if I wanted that more than the feeling of Well-being that this $100 offers me, I could just exchange it right now. ” But if you keep the $100 in your pocket and mentally spend it again and again and again and again, what happens is, that vortex opens. In other words, as you mentally expend it, you mentally bring it in, as you mentally expend it, you mentally bring it in, as you mentally expend it, you mentally bring it in until soon it is physically coming to you. Soon it is physically coming in and physically going out,physically coming in and physically going out — but you have to start with the mental projection of it first. And then, before you know it, you have more money than you know what to do with. Truly, we’re not kidding you. It becomes, then, a new process of determining what you’re going to do with it. In other words, managing your money, letting it flow, having the fun of it, taking it to the bank, you see. Good.

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