Saturday, September 13, 2014

Why You Should Consider Dating A Girl Who Reads

Here are some things I’ve learned from my long-term relationship with a bookworm:
Gossip bores her.
She doesn’t really care about rumors that revolve within social media or work/school. Have you read “Their Eyes Were Watching God”?
She has something to say on every topic.
You know those weird moments when two people stare at each other in awkward silence, not knowing what to talk about?  That won’t happen with a girl who reads.
She is easy to buy gifts for.
Every time you want to surprise your special girl and get her something nice, it will be quite easy for you – just go to the local bookstore and pick a book or anything that is sold there. You will have to know her favorite writers/genres, but it’s much easier than picking a dress or perfume, believe me.
You’ll know what she’s doing most of the time.
What can I say? She’s quite loyal to her books :)
She can stay up for hours.
She’s used to staying up past midnight reading, so she could be quite a lively and fun company in the late hours.
She doesn’t need much to have a good time.
When I was at my old job, my boss sent me on a business trip to a mountain resort, so I decided to take my girl with me. Unfortunately, I was so busy for 5 days that I barely spent any time with her. Was she sad? No, not at all, she had a whole suitcase full of books with her, I think she managed to have some fun there. 
She’s not too clingy.
She needs her personal time. She knows when it’s time to be sweet as long as you know when it’s time to be silent.
She learns from the greatest authors
She doesn’t claim anything, unless she has read or studied it well. Most bookworms have grand knowledge of things most people have no idea of.
She’s probably a dreamer and will support every crazy idea you have.
Dreams make up a big portion of her life and as long as you support her in that, she will always be with you in every wacky undertaking. When I quit my job to start my websites, she was probably the only one who supported me. My journey was hard and if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have made it.
Thank you Eevee <3 p="">

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