Thursday, September 11, 2014

Wheel of Fortune: The Turning Point

"You are currently undergoing the transition into spiritual-galactic adulthood as you venture beyond the leg of the journey that we refer to as the embodiment phase. This phase is nearing completion and there will be so much to share with you in the coming weeks...

For now, realize that you are the brigade by which all evolutionary change will be based. You to whom we speak are the true light-bearers…for you brought light where there was none…into every corner, every facet of human life…and every industry, every nation, every culture of the world is changing because of your silent triumphs. It is because of each of you that the new paradigm is anchored firmly in place, and it is because of you, the ground & grid-workers, that the new era of human consciousness shall begin and prevail." 
- Seven Sisters of Pleiades
Reconnection Completion
According to the Pleiadians, the reconnection completion of our dormant DNA (known by conventional scientists as 'junk' DNA)...which includes 12 strands of the double-helix and 24 light, or acceleration-codes of the matching pairs (12 magnetic/female & 12 electric/male)...commences on the 11:11, the universal gateway they are calling  "the portal to living in full 5th dimensional consciousness."  This is the activation of the full silicate matrix, or divine blueprint, which contains the original 12-Strand DNA code structure of the original spiritual-human prototype.

From what I understand, this completion also marks the beginning of the physical journey into oneness for all those who have activated these codes within…the part where we actually become the living examples of a new-humanity.

"Now, we say this with great care, for we understand that you are tired, and you are prostrate from exertion, and that you may feel as though rest is needed after all the work you've accomplished...but we assure you that the invigoration that you will feel from a fully-fired system (kundalini), an activated sacred template, will replace any feelings of fatigue you are enduring. We also say this so that you are reminded that there is great work to be done in this phase of the global process, and lovingly we add that there will be 'no rest for the weary'."   - Seven Sisters

There is more information on this to come in subsequent updates, but for now we are being urged to continue to nurture ourselves thru the remaining days of the embodiment process, and allow our physical selves to come into complete alignment with the rest of us, in our own perfect timing.
Prophesy Fulfilled?
"There is a significant cosmic event that is soon to take place that will herald the beginning of the new phase.  This, of course, will not be understood by many, but will be regarded as the signal to begin the implementation phase by those with eyes to see…the awakened ones, those of indigenous cultures and self-run systems of governance. We also want to make it clear that this event is not to create a cataclysmic scenario as so many are predicting, but more of a recollection, an impression, an awareness by those who "rule" the world that there is MUCH more than meets the eye."  - Seven Sisters

I am hearing that this one event..and apparently there are few out-of-this-world discoveries on the way…but this one in particular is directly related to the DNA reconnection completion and the "firing" of our new human system.  I imagine that this event is intimately connected to the well-known (and sensationalized) "comets" headed our way this month and next, but what's interesting is that when I ask the Pleiadians about this they say that:

"There is a comet referenced that is actually not a comet at all, but a celestial body that houses a very advanced civilization.  There is also that which many are calling 'the comet of destruction'  but we assure you it is not in the way that most think.  This comet is the prophesied "harbinger of peace", and toward that end it will create changes and upheaval, but not in a way that will destroy the earth."

What's also interesting….besides the fact that no one has any solid idea of how all this will unfold…is that back in February, I received a message from a group of archangels  who talked, in no uncertain terms, of the return of a 12th planet that they refer to as "Nibiru" (another target of sensationalism, so please refrain from hitting the panic-button) and how this directly impacts our 12th dimensional consciousness. They mentioned that:

"in the coming days, there will be even greater awareness of the implications of Nibiru's presence in your solar system, and those who have fully reconnected and activated their 12th dimensional human-galactic genetics will be brought into alignment with the energies and beings from this celestial body."

They also mentioned that:

"... the yet-to-be-officially-discovered-planet is, in large part, responsible for setting the new consciousness course for humanity, and will enable the 12th dimensional field of perceptual reality to be projected into form…a dimension which they refer to as the field of mind-body connection.

Like all planets, this 'new' planet on its way to our awareness is the macrocosmic expression of our microcosmic experience on earth….the 12th dimensional cosmic interplay required for the full integration of spirit into physical form."

And from their perspective, that all connects thru the understanding that:

…"there are 12 fundamental spiritual energies in our universe which seek a physical expression. This expression (where a planetary energy operates or is released in our lives) is accomplished thru 12 zodiac signs, 12 astrological houses and 12 planets.   And just as each of the 12 astrological houses has its own ruling planet, meaning and associated zodiac sign... each of our chakras have their own ruling planet, meaning and associated zodiac sign. These 12 cosmic/celestial energies…the vital forces of existence... are expressed thru the human body via 12 chakras which connect to the 12 strands of activated DNA in the new-human template, or the original divine-human blueprint...and each of the 12 strands of our DNA correlates to one of the twelve aspects of multi-dimensional consciousness, or perceptual fields of awareness."

In other words, I am told that these (prophesied) events...however they unfold and whatever they are called...herald the the beginning of cosmic consciousness, the entrance into spiritual adulthood/galactic citizenship both for the planet and for those who are leading the planet to this destination, and all "happen" to take place right around the end of the 9th wave and the completion of the Mayan Calendar (10/28/11).

And just to stretch you a bit further, this cosmic event that they refer to will supposedly have "a major impact on the magnetic grid, so much so that a reversal of polarity will take place...but not in the way that has been aggrandized."  My feeling is that this is not necessarily an electromagnetic pole shift as some believe, but a shift in the polarity of consciousness.

Again, no one (myself included) has any solid idea of exactly what or how this will come to pass…which is mostly the fun of it all.  The point is to simply remain a witness to the unfolding while maintaining a sense of calm, wonder and awe as many more people awaken and hook into the  global resonance required for this new world to operate.
On Global Changes
"The time has come for great change in your outer world." - Seven Sisters

There is already so much taking place both within us and around the planet that the unseens want to harness the opportunity to reinforce the message of joy and hope during the increasingly more dramatic changes that will continue to take place all around us...and to remind us that all is well, regardless of outside appearances. 

The message is as it always is…for us to view change for what it is: the switch from a separation-based societal mindset, to a society based in unity-consciousness and love.  We are being reminded that this is all we need to understand with regard to the dismantling and upheaval that will continue to take place in the outside world...that the details are merely symptoms of this changing process and at the core, all movement is leading to the outcome that we desire, both individually and collectively.

Having said that, they are also making it clear that great transformation is indeed upon us…big changes in the world as we know it…and that this change is ultimately for the good of all, yet may be immediately perceived as a threat to those who carry fear in their hearts and separation in their minds. Whatever unfolds, it will be for those of us who are centered in truth…with the inner-knowing that ALL is perfect and well…. to remain in our hearts, thereby quelling the fears of those around us with our unwavering optimism toward any global restructuring.

"Ignore the fears & protests and stay anchored in your heart-center…neutral to chaos and while maintaining a sense of trust in the overall plan. Switch your focus to the undeniable feelings of optimism rising within you instead.  These feelings that are emerging are a true indication of whats around the next bend...not what it appears to be, but what it feels to be." -Seven Sisters
 Clicking into Place
The sisters are also wanting to point out that those who have consciously been working toward the goal of ascension with the understanding that there is something specific for you to contribute, that there will be a "clicking into position" as a result of these nebulous cosmic events.  Not necessarily because of them, but because of the timing of them…that there is a great plan at play and all is perfectly and divinely orchestrated to the end result of achieving heaven on earth.

Those souls, who the unseens refer to as the 'second wave initiates'... the visionaries, new-earth program planners, cosmic correspondents, blueprint architects/builders, musicians, artists and new-paradigm healers,etc.…will in some cases be joining forces with the wisdom keepers, elders, seers, grid-layers activators, etc...all those needed to bring forth the information from the unseen realms for the first phase of planetary ascension... to begin the ground-level phase of implementation that we have been bursting at the seams to create.

Those who are drawn to work within the blueprint of new earth will be brought together in soul clusters, or pods, to begin the community level organizing that is required to bring the bigger (divine) plan into form.  We will be brought into alignment with those who share our particular vision/plan/contribution/aspect of the new earth to begin the next phase where we unite with our soul-community to share our greater visions with the outside world. These creations will be the proverbial Phoenix, rising from the ashes of the intensive global purification process.

This phase will apparently begin around the equinox and will be brought into greater concentration at the solstice…and this is also the time when many soul partnerships will be brought together for the purposes of reuniting in sacred union and under new earth guardianship.

"These unions are the merging of God-dess, the outward manifestation of the sacred marriage of the divine feminine and masculine energies within.  Some of these couples are sacred counterparts in disguise, not visible under the cloak of separation, but these relationships will reveal their true purpose in the days to come.  Be steadfast on your quest to inner-completion, for the gifts that you seek in the outside world are merely the reflection of your wholeness within." -Seven Sisters

I am told that these sacred partnerships will be the 'new earth keepers'... many of which will be bringing forth new rainbow souls to assist in the unfolding of earths evolutionary plan.  Others will be the caretakers & stewards of the grid, protecting sacred portals with force-fields of (community) unity consciousness. Those stepping into these roles are already well aware of their soul's plan, even if only by desire.  The next few months will be bringing these plans to fruition.
A Message For "The Strays"
Lastly, the unseens mention that those who are aligned with the ascension timeline but who are not teachers of new-humanity, or who are still unsure of their participation in the divine plan, that there is much unfolding in your lives that is leading you to your "promised land". They refer to these star-souls as "strays", because they have, as part of their soul's plan, left their birth-families behind in search of their soul-families as part of the "path" to finding their true home within their sacred inner-domicile. 

"We say this not as an indication that you are to simply arrive in paradise, but that you are being guided by your inner-knowing to create the places by which you belong for the next phase of the journey.  You may not, as yet, have a conscious understanding of what that means, but we assure you that you are exactly where you need to be in this and every moment."  -Seven Sisters

When this particular group of souls come together, they will remember each other from long ago and will begin to form an important part of the population of awakened/awakening ones who will work together, grow together, and resolve any inner-healing still required for purification. This group is apparently in great need of support right now and this message is to let you know that you will be reunited with your true family soon.

You will know this to be true if you have recently moved to a new geographic location, joined a new organization…spiritual or otherwise…or simply found a new group of souls to commune with via the Internet.   Either way, these new connections will fulfill you and bring you into rapid inner-alignment with your unique part of the divine plan, and the collective soul plan for your particular group consciousness.
Wheel of Fortune
Things are starting to really speed up (save for our weary bods) and many are diligently preparing their lives to take off in unknown directions. This mercury retrograde couldn't have come at a better time as it is enhancing our preparation by serving to pull us back, like a sling-shot, to go over the many details necessary and capture some final, albeit perspective-changing pieces of our personal and creative puzzles…before we are hurled into greater action this autumn. 

This time is serving a very important purpose for any unfinished business/projects/relationships/situations, etc. that we need to bring to completion, and in some cases, this new information may mean some massive restructuring to align our selves/visions/creations fully with the cosmic pulse...which is beating so loudly now.   On a personal level, anything that we have not faced squarely, dealt with in an honest manner, or put on the back burner will continue to be brought to the surface until resolved.  In most cases, these are the little things that we didn't think mattered, but we are finding that EVERYthing matters here. 

Our long-held desires are beginning to push through the illusion we have been living for so very long, and that means many things that we have been waiting for/working toward are/will be effortlessly falling into place. We are starting to see all the threads of our long journey weave together into the tapestry of a brand new life, and as a result, a new found confidence is emerging, an assuredness that is so deeply rooted in the calm center of our authentic selves.  We are becoming even more deeply attuned to the inter-connectivity of it all and discovering our new/true roles and divine purpose for being here.

Spirit is showing me the major arcana "Wheel of Fortune" tarot card as an indication that we approaching our "destiny".  We are beginning to feel the tempo of life speed up as we are swept away by new opportunities in a series of developments that will support us in rejoining the world of activity again.

There are moments where this powerful, fast moving wheel of energy can feel chaotic, ungrounded and dizzying…but only if we hang on in an attempt to control the outcome. And if we hold on too tight (to what we know) we may risk repeating the same cycles again.

The purpose of this part of the ride is to gain enough momentum to be thrown off the (karmic) wheel in absolute trust that we will land exactly where we unexpectedly belong. 

And we will.

To the unexpected!

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