Friday, May 23, 2008

I Tagged You my 'Friend'..........

Hye(thank you) tagged and gave me awards (which I thought, do I deserve all these? So I just selected some:-D) days ago but I was too busy to write. Duh, that makes me cast down myself. My shift is truly a sacrifice and it makes me sick!

Sharing, tagging, it all comes out in different ways. Simple maybe, but I appreciate things like that and sharing is a start of a good affair. Whether you share something to your behalf, to your family, or even to your pet, it doesn’t matter, as long as. For now, let me share how my job enhances my relationships to different things and people. Who knows? Read my blog and we prolly could instinctively build a new one.:-P

I’m new at work and I’m just about to end my 4th week but it has taught me a lot in terms of relationships. Working in customer service for more than a year now (adding my previous jobs) has never been so easy but satisfying. Customers may curse, nag, shout at you but that may become a start of a new relationship. Cool them down and they would still buy from you :-P They would remember your beautiful name and would look for you. Not being in need sometimes instead feeling in demand by your friends just rises up one’s sense of self! Although customer-specialist-relationship is a different ‘ship’, I have no complains at all (or yet).

Well, I won’t talk about complaints now about my work but let’s say I’m still keeping it coz of my new found friends, girlfriends (I stress). Old boyfriends were always surrounded me ever since I started college and I stayed with them through all these years (I would talk about why I just got bfs next time). Whenever I start a new job, I always say ‘I don’t wanna be too close to anybody’. I neglected to find new and that stopped me from learning new individuals. And I fulfilled that for long not until I found these new people.

We used to be this many:-(
The signing of contract was after 30 days of training but I was included in that lucky 4 to sign earlier on our 13th day. But I wasn’t intoxicated. Seeing my co-trainees go and failing in the job they have chosen (coz we have no choice,lol!) just distressed me. Imagine us starting about 36 down to 8? Damn, the company seems not wanting to be wanted! I distress before I forget I wont complain, lol! I wish them good luck in finding a work. Talking to voicemails will never be the same again without you guys. :D This teaches me that friends come ad go. It reminds me of a song taught to us on my 3rd grade: ‘Make new friends and keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold.’

On the other hand, in my relationship with my guy (ahemmm…) who’s half way around the globe, my nightshift is quiet a good schedule coz we’re both then working at that time. It gives us a chance to chat sometimes during the day but it takes patience and full trust. Oh, I missed you. See you on your birthday, baby. ;-)

And with my pseudo kids(cousins)? I spent my time with them last Sunday. We ate dinner together and watched ‘The Mist’-Stephen Kings’s. They were complaining I got no time for them anymore and so we had that late Valentine date!:-)

I think it’s just really about a little bit of time management for everything. Good communication with your friends is much important than just being workaholic but unproductive. Ever said hi to your friend today? That’s why I’m trying to share time to my bloggerships now :-) Hope you appreciate! I would appreciate a subscription too!Visits and comments to your blog will follow I swear, I need to sleep first!:-P


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