Thursday, October 25, 2012

10 Foods for a gigantic orgasm

If you are still searching for the right ingredients to constitute a 'sex-friendly' platter, here's a low down on foods that facilitate theBig O

Climaxing issues keeping you off sex? Hitting the so-called 'Big O' remains a dream for you? Well, a major reason for your poor sexual prowess can be what lies on your platter. 

Nutritionist, Ishi Khosla explains, "Everything that can be summed up as good sex depends to a great extent on your body's blood circulation, which is made or marred by the food that you consume. Food that facilitates the proper pumping of blood in the body adds to your sexual prowess." 

So, if you are still searching for the right ingredients to constitute a 'sex-friendly' platter, here's the low down on foods that facilitate the Big O! 

1. Go green 
And you thought, Popeye, the sailor man gulped cans of cans of spinach just like that! Well, it won't be wrong if we tag spinach as a natural Viagra. This green leafy vegetable is loaded with sexual benefits. "It is rich in Vitamin E, which is a major catalyst in the production of sex hormones in the body. It is also rich in manganese, which facilitates the production of the female hormone estrogen. A deficiency of magnesium also affects a woman's fertility levels," informs nutritionist Aishwarya Rajan. "Green leafy veggies are also loaded with zinc, which is known for its libido and sperm production qualities men," holds dietician Charu Dua. 

2. Seeds of fertility 
Seeds like flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, chickpeas and sunflower seeds etc. are again friends of sexual hormones. "Consuming one tablespoon of flaxseed every day helps to increase the testosterone level in the body. These seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, a drop in which affects hormone levels leading to a plummeting sex drive. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc which is a mineral needed to produce testosterone," suggests Delhi-based nutritionist Sanjana Saikia. 

3. S for Sea-food 
If you have an aversion towards the aqua-species, you better start loving them as they guarantee a smooth sailing sex drive. Be it fish or oysters, they contain the wonder sex drug in them! "Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which fires up your metabolism, keeping you fresh. It's also found to boost the hormone dopamine that lights up the brain's pleasure system. Besides, it even contains Vitamin B that is linked to fertility. Oysters known for their aphrodisiacal traits are the richest source of zinc which nourish the prostate gland and boosts testosterone production in men," explains Aishwarya. 

4. Go nutty 
"All kinds of nuts provide one with energy that's directly proportional to your stamina while having sex," suggests Sanjana. So, feel free to consume your daily dose of nuts, including almonds, pistachios, walnuts, groundnuts etc. After all, stamina and energy are the driving force behind a satisfying sex life. 

5. Fruity Pleasure 
All fruits, especially those rich in vitamin C can be vital in sexual gratifications. "The body needs vitamin C to keep the sexual organs fine tuned. Tests reveal that consuming 500-1,000 milligrams of vitamin C in a day increases the number and quality of sperm produced," holds nutritionist Aishwarya. Some fruits which fall in this category include citrus fruits, specially kiwi, blackcurrants and strawberries. 

6. Spice it up! 
The right kind of spices not only spice up your palette, but also your bedroom. "Chilli pepper, red chillies and ginger perk up blood circulation," says Sanjana. So, dig into some spicy food when spicing up things between the sheets. 

7. Dark chocolate 
You've got another reason to fall in love with chocolates, specially the darker varirties. Studies reveal that women who eat chocolate daily lead more sexually satisfying sex lives. "Chocolate contains a chemical called phenethylamine that triggers feelings of relaxation, intoxication and pleasure. It releases mood-boosting, stress-reducing serotonin and stimulates physical contact desires and lowers inhibitions," explains endocrinologist Dr Pankaj Aggarwal. So, shun those weighty issues for a while and don't shy away from gorging upon a piece or two of dark chocolate daily. 

8. Bananas 
Bananas are a great sex food. "Bananas are ideal to give you endurance in the bedroom as they are a rich source of vitamin B that converts carbohydrates into energy. It also helps your body to produce sex hormones such as testosterone, "suggests Aggarwal. Having a banana a few hours before getting into action can keep you pepped up! 

9. Olive oil 
Orgasm worries in women find an answer in olive oil, which triggers the production of the testosterone hormone. "A lack of this hormone can lead to lack of desire and sexual pleasure and an inability to achieve an orgasm. So, be liberal with monounsaturated fats like olive oil," suggests Charu. 

10. Garlic 
Though, you'll have to take special care of your breathe before you get into some steamy action after having this wonder sex booster, but a "regular consumption of garlic in food can bring a marked difference in your sexual prowess," suggests Sanjana. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Begin your day with a glass of green juice

Macrobiotic expert Shonali Sabherwal tells you why green juices should be preferred over their fruity counterparts 

There are facts about juices that are commonly known such as drink vegetable juices as opposed to fruit juices, ensure that you use a mixer and not a juicer so that you get the fiber from the veggies. Other known facts are — don't strain the juice, but have it with the pulp and almost always, include doodhi in your juicy diet. 

However, few know that one must opt for green juices as opposed to just vegetable juice. So what makes the green juice a better option? This is because without the fiber, fruit juice is basically sugar, which will add to your weight. So juice fruits as a treat but try and eat them whole as far as possible. While the fiber content takes a beating, juices do deliver a powerful array of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are absorbed immediately into the blood stream. However, avoid combining vegetables with fruits, as they require different enzymes for digestion. The only exception is an apple, which has a more neutral effect. 

Benefits of green juices 

Green juices are power-packed with nutrition. Green vegetables have the ability to transform sunshine into the food that all creatures consume. True to their nature, greens produce chlorophyll, which oxygenate your body. This enables us to release stored toxins in the body. Your hemoglobin (that has a similar molecular structure as that of your red blood cells) will get elevated, improving the blood circulation as a result and giving your body a boost of energy. A green juice will cleanse your digestive system, lungs, liver (which will rev up, if sluggish — causing you to retain weight) and uterus. So if you are a smoker, this is an excellent supplement to your diet. 

Fact file 

Magnesium is essential for efficient calcium utilisation. The chlorophyll molecule has magnesium at its centre and its impact on the body's magnesium levels is highly significant. When you include green juices in your daily diet, it helps them absorb calcium better. All green plants have Vitamins A and C, which are important co-factors for calcium absorption. Chlorophyll foods also act as a form of 'stored sunshine', to regulate calcium and Vitamin D deficiency. So if you get no sunshine, then increase the greens in your diet. 

Methods to follow 

-Always rotate your greens, don't use one green all the time. Plants carry a trace of alkaloids (which in small doses is okay) and you don't want the same alkaloids to build up in your system.

-If you have a strong digestive system, blend greens in a mixer and if not, juice them. 

-Even though you eat a gree vegetable everyday, your body will assimilate many more nutrientsfrom blended greens rather than the ones chewed. It's always beneficial to add spirulina and wheat grass powder, as it increases the chlorophyll quotient in the juice. 

-If taste is important to you, mix dates in your juice. However, watch out if you have yeast, candida, diabetes or hypoglycemia. 

-They are best consumed fresh, but you can keep them only for a day at the most in the fridge. Add some lime to preserve them. 

-Green juices should be ingested on an empty stomach, so have it first thing in the morning or inbetween meals. 

A recipe to start with 

-3-4 leaves of spinach and rotate it with pak choy on other days 

-A fistful of parsley 

-A fistful of celery 

-3 inches of carrots 

-3 inches of doodhi or zucchini (optional) 

-4 broccoli florets 

-½ a tomato 

-1 green apple (optional) 

Blend all the above in a blender with ¼ cup water, do not strain, squeeze a lime into it and add some cumin (jeera) powder. You could thin it down with some warm water. While drinking it, roll it in the mouth before taking it down (this aids in digesting the juice).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hair care: 20 ways to stronger hair

Hair fall or hair loss does not spare age or gender. To be honest hair fall is a natural process of the body, but the problem arises when new hair fails to grow in its place.

Hair loss is a common problem if you do not take care of it in these stressful times. But we give you 20 ways that you may have not thought of to make your hair longer and stronger. Dr. Nipun Jain, Senior Consultant in Dermatology from Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute, Delhi let's you in on how to maintain, improve and strengthen your hair.

Have a good balanced diet and lots of water.

Iron deficiency causes a lot of hair loss. Thus, consumption of food which contains high iron like green and yellow vegetables, and fruits is recommended.

A high protein diet that includes egg whites, soyabeans, cheese, pulses, milk and curd is good for the hair.

A diet rich in zinc, selenium, biotin and essential fatty acids is necessary for hair growth.

Be gentle with your hair. Always use a wide toothed comb.

Making tight braids and pony tails or pulling your hair can cause hair loss called Traction Alopecia and therefore, should be avoided.

Application of heat on hair through blow drying, ironing or rebonding can damage it, leading to hair fall.

Protecting your hair from sunlight is important since excessive UV rays can cause hair damage and graying.

Chlorine water in swimming pools is harmful for the hair. Thus, wearing a head cap during swimming and taking a shower after a swim is advised.

Avoid exposing your hair to rain water as a lot of environmental chemicals are present in that water that can cause hair loss.

Gentle massaging of the scalp increases the blood circulation and is good for hair growth.

Avoid excessive combing of the hair as it can lead to 'weathering effect' and cause split ends.

Avoid self-medication as some medicines and excess of vitamins like vitamin A can lead to damaged hair.

Do not crash diet or starve to reduce weight as it will have a harmful effect on hair.

If you are suffering from thyroid, control of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is essential.

A good quality mild shampoo and conditioner should be used to clean the scalp and condition the hair.

Avoiding harsh chemicals like those present in hair colors and bleaching agents help in preventing hair fall.

Smoking leads to decreased blood flow resulting in increased hair loss and hence, should be avoided.

Antioxidants like Vitamin C and E and Beta Carotene are good for hair growth.

Meditation and yoga are helpful in reducing stress which is a major cause of hair fall.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

First get naughty, then have sex!

Is it true that "real" sex is all about an Earth-shattering climax wherein foreplay plays no role? Is it possible to play by rules in the game of love? We explore. It may start with the morning tea you serve your spouse in bed and progress into a passionate rendezvous by the evening that eventually escalates into carnal bliss in the night. If you haven't guessed it yet, we are talking about the naughty acts before sex that are commonly referred to as foreplay. If legends like Vatsayan are to be believed, for a sexual intercourse to be a perfect experience, a prolonged and sensual foreplay is most important. Since time immemorial, tales of making love have abounded with instances of immaculate foreplay that is considered to be the most fundamental part of best sex. Its boundaries stretch much beyond mere skin to skin seduction. However, according to a study conducted on 2,360 Czech women, the act of foreplay is overrated. The study claims that when it comes to the likelihood of having an orgasm, foreplay has little or no significance. Is foreplay actually overrated? Is it true that "real" sex is all about Earth-shattering climax wherein foreplay plays no role? Is it possible to play by rules in the game of love? We explore... Importance of foreplay Explaining the findings of the controversial research, experts suggest, "Sex therapists and educators lay overwhelming emphasis on foreplay, but they need to be guided by the evidence which shows that it is not the case. Intercourse is significantly more important." On the other hand, in India, experts share a different perspective altogether. Dr. Shahid Ansari, a sex therapist, explains, "Love making is considered as one of the most efficient ways to get close to your partner. During the act you are with your soul-mate and have prepared yourself to forget all the other worldly worries and have set your mind to attain the ultimate experience - foreplay allows you to do exactly the same. It's not only restricted to bodily pleasure, but it's the moment when both the partners dedicate themselves to each other." Supports Rashmi Vaidye, a clinical physiatrist, "I totally disagree with those who condemn the importance of foreplay. It doesn't necessarily mean kissing, hugging, licking, touching etc., it has to do with anything that allows both partners to set the scene, much before you undress. It may be a combination of some acts or a mixture of all; it all depends on the way you want to treat your partner." Foreplay is an experimental phase - and the experiment that linger on for life, if you need to live healthy and happy! Expressing surprise on the latest revelation regarding foreplay, Jamshed Sighania, a 28-year-old software developer, says, "I guess these people are really short on time or sleep because for me, the extra minutes spent on fondling my partner are nothing less than true bliss." Foreplay makes love last? In the beginning of a relationship, lovers mostly can't get enough of each other. This has more to do with just stems from mischievous petting and touching! The first few years of togetherness are filled with steamy showers and lovemaking. But have you ever wondered why it fades later? Sexologist Dr. Renu Rai answers, "Making love in the beginning is very hot because of the touching and caressing (read foreplay). Making out is foreplay, but how often do people who have been married for ten or more years make out? They seem to just hop into the sack, aimed to achieve an orgasm. People forget that orgasm is only a brief part of making love." "Me and my wife are married since last thirty years, but still find the passion and desire we once experienced on our honeymoon. Love making is a holistic experience. To achieve maximum pleasure and to arouse your spouse to the peak level, both the partners need extra spice and that is attained via foreplay. All it takes is a bit (or more) of efforts to set the mood and ignite your partner's passion," shares Gaurav Bansal (name changed on request), a 54-year-old brand manager. Men from Mars and women from Venus! According to relationship expert Vandana Ganpathy, "Foreplay is the most critical part of sex. An average woman needs about 45 minutes of sensual intensification to reach an orgasm. I agree that a 'hot and fast act' has its own moments, but the simple truth is women need a little more time." Agress Samridhi Chopra, a 26-year-old marketing manager, "Women are emotional creatures, and that's why they like, enjoy and often need foreplay. This has held true since ages, for men sex tends to be a stress reliever, but for women we need stress relief in order to be romantic. So if our partners take the time to listen, comfort and cuddle us a bit, there's nothing more valuable and more gratifying". Foreplay is the one thing women can't get enough...errr...okay, there are a few other things as well. Jhanvi Sharma (name changed on request) shares her woes, "My boyfriend is in love with quickie sex. He gets some sort of kick out of it. A long, passionate lovemaking session is just not his cup of tea. By the time I get ready for sex, he is over with it. It's painful, annoying and I feel used. I would any day prefer a longer foreplay than the main course of the sexual act itself." "Unlike their male counterparts, women aren't raring to get down to it. This is because their bodies need the lubrication required for intercourse and their emotions dictate the same to them. They need to feel a sense of closeness and mutual respect with their partner. All of this can be achieved through foreplay, which will also help the woman in question feel desired. If you simply want to jump her bones, she'll feel like a tool or a machine," explains Dr. Shahid Ansari. So, ladies and gentleman, the verdict is out - even while you hustle and bustle and can't find time to spin around, it would be good for your relationship if you learn to please each other. Foreplay can actually rock your love nest and learning how to execute it will be your key to sexual success. Here are a few tips: 1. Be creative Unfortunately, for a majority of us, the perception of foreplay is merely kissing and petting. Forget dimming the lights and nibbling on your partner's neck (don't overlook them completely, just briefly). Try on edible lingerie, nibble on aphrodisical foods or soak in a warm bath with aromatic oils. 2. Don't rush things One of the most important things to remember about foreplay is to focus on everything, but the so-called "bull's eye" of the body. You can go near them, but don't focus on them. Let the act of arousal build gradually. If you rush right in for the end zone, the game will be over before you even knew it. Take it slowly. Concentrate on being the best kisser your partner's never had; treat every area of the body as an erogenous zone. Touch and kiss often-neglected areas such as the neck, throat, inner arms, stomach and eyelids before moving on further. 3. Foreplay is not exclusive to men Thought seducing a woman is a man's contractual obligation? Well, its time to dump the myth. Women can also resort to foreplay. Forget touching his hand, biting his lips, invading his private space and other feminine foreplay techniques, men respond favourably to visual stimulation, so try wearing a garter belt, slipping into those sexy heels or trying on the lacy lingerie. 4. Fantasise Many of the most effective pre-play techniques happen before you even get your partner's clothes off. It can start with a voice or text message sharing your deepest desire and fantasy with your beau. Even if you choose not to share your deepest, darkest desires, start using fantasy to get yourself in the mood for a rocking climax. 5. Pamper your partner Believe it or not, some women can even be brought to an orgasm through a sensual foot massage. An erotic massage will sexualise and wake up new parts of your spouse, increasing the scope of pleasure. The trick to giving an invigourating massage is to keep it sensuous, which means taking breaks between touches to lick and kiss your lover. 6. Put on a show Take tips from Dita Von Teese and perform a fabulous striptease for him/her. Make sure you're wearing something slinky under your clothes. Pep up your love den by making sure it looks seductive with dim lights, scented, aroma candles and fresh bed and bath linens. Have a fridge stocked with champagne, wine, beer, chocolate, strawberry, grapes and other aphrodisiacal foods to feed your lover. Put on some sultry instrumental music and sway to them. 7. Seal it with a kiss! Deep tongue kissing is one of the many formulas to turn you both on. As a matter of fact, couples like deep tongue kissing because it mimics sex. Instead of using the kiss as a two second start up, use it as a lingering moment to share your passion. If you don't feel kissing is one of your stronger skills, work on it! There are lots of tips available, but one of the key points to keep in mind: men prefer wetter kisses with more tongue action than women. 8. Choreplay This one is just for the men out there - want to spice up your love life? Grab a mop! Start by cleaning the kitchen, helping her with the dishes or preparing for next day's breakfast. Women are put in the mood for love-making when their stress and work load is reduced. Once you shoulder more of the domestic work load and actually get her in the mood, use some of the above tips to make your typical foreplay moves even better. 9. Foreplay 24*7 There is no such thing as 'the perfect foreplay' and there are no defined rules, time and techniques to set the ball rolling. Foreplay is all about giving pleasure and creating anticipation. Give your partner a long, lingering goodbye kiss in the morning, instead of a usual peck and send a suggestive E-mail from work. Foreplay is (luckily) a 24 hour a day thing. Use mental stimulation to make your lover yearn for you. 10. Oral Action Don't jump to conclusions, we are talking about communication. Foreplay starts with words. Irrespective of your gender, complimenting your lover is a sureshot way of not just breaking the ice, but also making the other person admire you. Tell your partner about something in your life that really excites you, or if you know him/her well enough, tell a story that will attract her even more.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

6 Ways to get a stronger erection

Have you ever felt ashamed of not satisfying your partner because of erection problems? As you grow older you'll find it a little difficult to get a strong erection and satisfy your partner in bed. A weak erection can strain your sexual relationship, and hurt your pride as well, to say the least. So, it is always necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle for a fully satisfying sex life. Remember, a strong and hard erection is something women crave most for while you gear up for some action between the sheets. We bring you six ways to get a harder erection. 1. Eat well, keep it hard: Simple changes in your diet can increase your libido and give you a harder erection. Foods like bananas, eggs, nuts, figs, chillies, onions, and wine can increase your sexual prowess. Word of caution: Steer clear of junk food. 2. Your penis needs exercise: Healthy men are always sexually active. Exercise is one of the best ways to increase your sex drive and sexual potency. It reduces stress which is an erection-killer, and helps enhance testosterone production in the body. Kegel exercises are a perfect workout for the penis. 3. Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol: You must have heard this a million times, smoking and drinking can really affect your sexual life. Smoking decreases your blood circulation, and results in less lung capacity. It can impact your ability to get and maintain an erection. And alcohol can numb the body and lead to temporary erectile dysfunction. 4. Don't masturbate too often: Save something for a real sex. Excessive masturbation can decrease your sexual appetite. Continual erections and ejaculations may lead to weaker erection the next day. So, control the urge! 5. Know the right sex positions: Always warm up with oral sex. Sexual positions like missionary and doggy style allow more blood flow, leading to a stronger and harder erection. And don't ever let her ride you first! 6. Throw away those tight undergarments: Avoid wearing tight, or any, undergarments, for that matter, while sleeping. It restricts blood flow to the penile tissues which in turn can affect erection strength. Always go for loose, airy underwear. Simply stop worrying about weak erections and lead a healthy sex life.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

5 Signs she wants sex

focus on what she's not telling you in bed by reading her body language It's a universally accepted fact that women are complicated, confusing beings who, in spite of talking incessantly, rely a lot on non-verbal communication to convey their inner-most thoughts. So it's left to you to unravel the mystery of their look, sigh or grump. Since they manage to take the same trait into the bedroom and you might find yourself befuddled at her reactions, wondering if she's rubbing up against you out of extreme desire or as a distraction tactic to get you to stop doing what you're doing. We help you decode her subtle body language in bed, so you're abreast of whether you're doing it right or need to up your ante. If you manage to read your cues right, you'll be suitable rewarded and her body will display overall signs of arousal that can't be faked. Here are a few: In her arms If instead of holding you, her arms are held close to her body, there might be a little something going on, you should take note of. In some positions she might need her arms to support her weight, but in most cases, if she's consciously holding her arms close, she is clearly not letting go with wild abandon. She shouldn't want to be covering herself up. If however, they're above your or her head, on your chest, splayed out on the sheets or held out on either side, it's her way of telling you, she's comfortable with where she is and there's no need to hold back. Breathing heavy This is usually a dead give away and impossible to mask or fake. As the body is excited and turned on, the breath becomes more urgent and rapid. Involuntary moans are made as air rapidly makes its way through her vocal chords. The heart rate increases as the body prepares for an orgasm, making her internal organs demand more oxygen. A thumping heart rate and urgent breathing should let you know that you're on the right track. However, if immediately after a big orgasm, she's back to a slow restful pace of breath, you just witnessed a big show. Writhing heights When a body enthusiastically responds to another, it urges for proximity. If she's grinding or pushing herself against you, trying to hold or hug you, her body language is as inviting as it gets. Curling toes are another good indicator, but try to catch a glance offhand. If the motion is subconscious, it's probably genuine. If however, she's lying there waiting for you to do all the hard work, there's probably a little that's happening in terms of arousal for her. You need to regroup and restart. Try changing positions or focus on her erogenous zones to get her attention. Hip action A little known secret about good sex is that it's tremendously synchronized. The way the bodies were designed, they were meant to move repeatedly in the same motion until both achieved a climax. So if you find her matching your moves, you've hit the right notes and just need to make it to the finish line. Sometimes it takes a little time to get in sync but if you don't see it happening, chances are that her body is telling you it wants something else, another position perhaps. Wait for her to respond with the same intensity. In the deep Once you are in the zone and aiming for the finish, given the sensitivity of organs involved, you should be able to feel her strong internal muscles act against yours. With spasms and some amount of clenching, you'll get a good idea of how well you're doing. However, don't use it as a benchmark since not all women have the same amount of control over their kegel muscles. Some amount of contraction and relaxation that you may feel could be for her own pleasure, but pay close attention to what her overall intensity is telling you. What works for one woman may never work for another but the idea is to be attuned to the feedback her body language is giving you. If you feel like you're not in sync, pause and try something new. Avoid sticking to a routine or becoming predictable. Spice things up with experimentation, teasing and tantalizing your partner and keep an eye out for fake moans and forced emotions.

Why some women fear falling in love

Simi Kuriakose delves into issues of women who come with a statutory warning 'Not Made for Love' More often than not, we come across different categories of men: one who don't want to love, one who love to be twitterpated by a woman, and others who love, hurt and vow never to love again. Women generally try to be a living proof to the age-old myth that they're all about fairytales and candybars, so the kinds you'd find are those who're craving to catch the eye of a man and willing to trade any happiness just to be in love. Then there's the other sector of the pie chart illustrating women who love their singledom and don't want to be with a man (for reasons more than you can count). Here's introducing the woman who pushes a man away, not just any man, but a man who loves her to the core (yes that happens), despite having feelings for him. So what's with women who walk about in the world with invisible placards that read 'not made for love'? Is commitment phobia the only reason or are these women pro-feminism - attracted to men but think they're better off without them? What are such women threatened by that they can't get enough nerve up to either be in love or respond to it? Why does this happen? If you're the woman we're talking about, we probably know what's on with you. Here are some reasons you may relate to: Commitment phobia This is a common problem for most relationship issues. But here, a commitment phobic woman may be a man repellent despite having feelings for him. She'll track down the negative ideas of being in a relationship and sort it out in the 'See-I'm-better-off-without-commitment' division of her brain. Fear of being heartbroken Women who have the ''I aint love material' issue are not just love phobic but hyper-petrified. Susan Mark (name changed on request), who is aware of her push-the-man-away skills says, "I know I always shun the idea of love from a man who's attracted to me, not because I'm not smitten by him. I just can't deal with heartbreak. I can't go through the whole high expectations, not-meeting-expectations, sobbing, crying and more phases. I rather be emotionally numb than be emotionally active for someone till he sedates me off it but yet I feel the pain." Chase me till I'm unavailable: It is true, men love the chase, it gives them a kick. And women are conscious about this feature in men. So, since they know being unavailable gets them all the attention, why not extend the chase by keeping him at safe distance. Saying no may be a backup plan. Some women love standby's. Other women just feel, if they fall for the drill of the chase, it might get different later. So they rather stay away. Seen it, don't want to do it: Clinical psychologist Mansi Hassan says, "Women who have seen bad relationships in life in their past or among family or friends tend to keep men at bay despite having feelings for them. They never realise that their relationship may be different than the bad ones they've seen but also end up never trusting anyone enough to be in love." What to do 1. Hassan explains, "It is best to go with the flow, giving up on the extremist attitude in love." 2. Have courage, it's okay to face the devil of love than worrying about it going wrong. You never know, maybe your courage will help you get the best of life. 3. Remember, hurt means heal. If you ever get hurt, time heals it. So don't be afraid to be in love. Reactions that such women have when in love: 1. Since you have a high expectation in love, Hassan says, you may end up being extremely clingy. 2. Mood swings might be common for such women. 3. Such women may also end up being co-dependent, says Hassan.

Here's why you must have sex everyday

Have you ever heard that song called Sexual Healing? It's not just a metaphor. Sex can actually heal. It can heal your body and mind and prevent lots of diseases. Some say it's the first medicine ever known to man and it should be administered daily. Sounds too good to be true? Let's discover the four reasons for which a man should have sex each day. Great form of exercise Making love is a form of physical activity. During intercourse, the physiological changes in your body are consistent with a workout. You must have noticed that the respiratory rate rises, which means you get tired. Hence, you burn calories. If you have sex three times a week for 15 minutes (but we know you can do better than that) you'll burn about 7.500 calories in a year. That's the equivalent of jogging 75 miles! Heavy breathing raises the amount of oxygen in your cells, and the testosterone produced during sex keeps your bones and muscles strong. Pain relief The "Honey, not today, I have a headache" cannot be an excuse any more. During sex, both male and female bodies produce endorphins, hormones that act as weak painkillers. A study conducted by Gina Ogden showed that during sexual stimulation and especially during orgasm, we don't feel pain. If she finds another excuse, remind her that sex is good for her entire reproductive system, because it trains the PC muscle, which keeps the reproductive organs in shape. In women, sex can also increase fertility, postpone the menopause and relieve PMS symptoms. Prostate protection Most of the fluid you ejaculate is secreted by the prostate gland. If you stop ejaculating, the fluid stays in the gland, which tends to swell, causing lots of problems. Regular ejaculation will wash those fluids out and ensure the well being of your prostate until old age. Problems may also occur when you suddenly change the frequency of ejaculations. Prevents erectile dysfunctions Fifty per cent of men older than 40 suffer from erectile dysfunctions and all young men fear the moment when they won't be able to get it up any more. The best medicine against impotence An erection keeps the blood flowing through your penile arteries, so the tissue stays healthy. Plus, doctors compare an erection to an athletic reflex: the more you train the more capable you are to perform. Stress relief It's a scientific fact: sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels. During sex your body produces dopamine, a substance that fights stress hormones, endorphins, aka "happiness hormones" and oxytocin, a desire-enhancing hormone secreted by the pituitary gland.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

10 Things women simply love to hear

If there's one thing that has always kept men wondering about women, it has to be figuring out what they love to hear? Most men would agree that when it comes to compliments and sweet nothings, women can never have enough of it. The more they get, the more they want!

So, all that you need to do to impress her is - simply tell her all that she already knows. Yes! Strange but true - whether you are in a committed relationship or worried about her losing interest in you or are an amateur wanting to take your relationship to the next level, here's a complete guide to help you learn exactly what she wants to hear...

'You look gorgeous!'
If one could list down three things that women can't live without - they would probably be - good food, a wardrobe to die for and hearty compliments. So, don't be stingy when it comes to wooing her with a shower of compliments. The more you give, the more you are likely to get in return. Say all that she has been dying to hear - whether it is about her looks, her attire, her figure, professionalism at work or her culinary skills. Anudita Mishra, 34, a homemaker says, "I love to be showered with compliments as I think most women do. It gives my ego a boost when my hubby says, 'This dress suits you', or something like - 'You look prettier than any of those ladies I know' or saying, 'I wonder how you look so sexy even in your 30s!' It just makes me feel good about myself.'

Hear say: Dr. Sushma Dayal, a clinical psychologist says, "Each of us like to receive compliments as it improves our self-image. It helps us to get rid of our inhibitions, acts as a motivation and helps us enhance our personality."

'You are the first woman in my life'
Saying this would certainly assure your girl that you are a 'one woman man' and that you don't keep hopping from one girlfriend to another. This is bound to put her on a pedestal and it will prove to be effective particularly in a long-term relationship. Be careful not to flatter her. Say this only when you mean it so that she never questions your loyalty.

Abhay Bajaj, 26, a marketing professional says, "When I told my girlfriend that she is the first woman in my life, she was utterly surprised. It's funny, but I believe most women have a myth that guys are rarely committed to a single woman. Once she was convinced, she was able to free herself from all insecurities and was head over heels for me."

Hear say: Archana Nanda, a psychologist opines, "Telling a woman that she is the first person you have been so close to is sure to elevate her self-esteem and assure her of your faithfulness. But one shouldn't do this just to just to flatter a woman, say it only when you mean it from the bottom of your heart. It will rip your relationship apart if she finds out that you kept her in the dark about your real emotions."

'You are great in bed'
This is sure to make her feel like a sex goddess and sweep away all the inhibitions she had about her performance between the sheets. Praising her performance in bed and telling her that she is simply irresistible, is sure to set the momentum for a sizzling act later. The more you elevate and understand her sexuality, the more willing she will be to explore her wildest fantasies.

Don't just be grateful for every little effort that she puts to turn you on - say it aloud!

Anant Joshi, 29, (name changed on request) says, "A few months ago I complimented my wife for her performance in bed and I think that was the greatest turn on for her since then. She's now more experimental and also more open to my sexual advances. I think it's not just men but women too who like to be appreciated for the efforts they make in the bedroom."

Hear say: Sunil Garg, an expert on sex-related issues states, "You are sure to boost to a woman's sexuality when you tell her that she was super in the act. It will want her to explore more of herself and not just you. She will be able to connect with you in a sexual context."

'You'll make a great mother'
Most women look forward to having kids, but also tend to doubt themselves when it comes to being a good mother. Saying this is bound to put her on cloud nine - particularly when her man thinks she has all that it takes to be a nurturing mother. In a way, you'll also be assuring her of your commitment and that you would like to bring up your kids with her. Ritu Jaiswal, 27, who got married a year ago, confesses, "It was my husband who made me comfortable with the idea of parenthood. I was always scared of having kids, but he made me feel at ease by assuring me that I'll be a good mother and will do an excellent job as a parent. I am now expecting my first child."

Hear say: "It's important to assure a woman that she will be a good mother and that she has qualities like compassion and endurance being a good parent. This will make her believe in herself and also prepare her for the new role," adds Dr. Sushma.

'Will you spend your life with me?'
Most women tend to be ultra sensitive and by saying this you are bound to play music on the chords of her heart. You will also affirm to her that you are not just playing around with her, but are actually looking forward to spending your entire life with her. Tell her how incomplete your life would be without her and that she has now become an indispensable part of your existence. Don't be surprised if you find her smiling for days!

Richa Nanda, 25, who works with an advertising agency in Delhi confesses, "I had been dating a guy for the last six months. We work in the same office. Although I like him very much, I was a bit reluctant to commit to him prematurely. He recently asked me whether I would like to get married to him and it was then that I made up my mind. I was convinced that he is genuinely interested in me and would like to take the relationship further."

Hear say: "I think this is the most difficult thing to ask a woman. It is a very important question and it means asking her for a long-term commitment. So, it is important to be sure before you speak your mind," adds Archana.

'What do you think about .............?'
Ask for her opinion - whether it is about buying a new car or simply about what you should wear to office. By doing this, you are not just asserting that her opinion is important to you, but also that you respect her views. And if you are still in doubt, just remember that women love to express their views on whatever it may be - so let her speak for longer than you may want to hear and let her be the diva who knows it all!

Kanika Shrivastava, 28, who works with a telecom company in Delhi agrees, "I feel really special when my boyfriend asks for my opinion. It boosts my ego. He consults me before taking any major decisions - whether it is regarding his career or investments. I appreciate the fact that he values me not just for my looks but also my brains."

Hear say: "It's important for a woman to believe that she is an important part of the decision making process. Asking her for advice - no matter how big or small the decision - makes her feel special and respected," adds Dr. Sushma.

'You are my dearest pal'
Want to assure her that you are the kind of man who's not just with her for her glam looks and her hourglass figure? Well, then all you need to do is to tell her that she is not just the love of your life, but also your dearest friend. Try to establish a connection beyond your sexual interest in her. This is sure to give her ego the much required boost and score you brownie points.

Namita Goswami, 21, a college student says, "The best thing that my boyfriend has ever told me is that he considers me his best friend. Although he has many gal pals, but when it comes to sharing anything special, I am the one he comes to. It is great to find your best friend in your partner."

Hear say: Manmeet Bhalla, a marriage and relationship counselor opines, "Being a woman's friend is the first step to winning her over. It is important for a woman to believe that she means much more to you than just being your wife or your girlfriend. What she needs to feel is that you count on her - when you are in a problem or a dilemma, when you need advice, when you need a shoulder to cry on."

'I am lucky to have you'
Tell her that she is the only one for you. If not her, you would probably have still been single. Women love to be with men who are amiable and there is no better way to tell her that you are a true gentleman than to thank her for being the person that she is. Tell her that your life is beautiful only because she is a part of it. Don't be surprised if you find her blushing.

Amit Malhotra, 24, a sales executive says, "A year ago, I just told my girlfriend how special she is to me and how lucky I feel to have her in my life and she was thrilled to hear that. Since then I have realised how important it is to be expressive with women."

Hear say: "Telling a woman that she is your lucky charm is a sure shot way to pamper her. It makes her feel that you have not just accepted her in your life, but you are also grateful to her for her presence. It is the most gratifying thought for a woman," adds Manmeet.

'You know what's on my mind'
Want to make her feel like a supreme goddess? Well, then all you need to do is tell her that she knows what's on your mind before even having to tell her. Whether it is preparing your favourite dish for dinner, buying a gift that you had wanted to buy for yourself or the intensity with which she turns you on in bed. Once she is convinced she knows you better than you do, she won't mind giving you more than you have asked for.

Madhuri Bhargava, 35, senior manager in a private bank in Noida shares, "I have been married for nine years and my husband always tells me that I know him better than he knows himself, or perhaps even his mom does. It makes me feel exceptionally good when he says that. It attaches with itself a sense of belonging to someone and that is what matters the most to me."

Hear say: "Women generally like to be pampered by saying that they know it all. It's important to convince her that she knows everything about you. It will help keep the spark in your relationship alive," says Dr. Sushma.

'I love you'
Even though you have said it in every possible way - women place much more importance to these three magical words. So, make sure you say it at the right place and the right time, but when she is least expecting it. Wondering why? Who doesn't love surprises? Especially if you are in a committed relationship, make sure you say it even more often.

"I was thrilled when my boyfriend recently proposed to me. Although I knew that he loves me right from the beginning, but I was just waiting for him to pop the question and say those three special words. I had been dying to hear it from him since a year. It was the most memorable moment of my life," says Shruti, 23, a management student.

Hear say: "There's nothing better that a woman would want to hear from her man. No matter how much you say it through your actions but most women like men who are expressive. It is very important to say what you feel to keep the romance alive. The more often you say, the better it is," says Manmeet.